According to The Bard, “All the world’s a stage, and men and women merely players. One man in his time plays many parts.” I can’t help thinking Shakespeare would have enjoyed Britain’s latest play: Grooming Gangs the Musical, which runs the whole gamut of human duplicity: cover-ups, cowardice and connivance (and that’s just the C’s). While not nearly as successful as The Mousetrap, grooming gangs have been playing to sold-out audiences in kebab shops and taxi firms the length and breadth of Britain throughout the past few decades, aided and abetted by those in authority.
Unfortunately for local government luvvies and lickspittles, the play may have to close prematurely. The world’s richest theatre critic, Elon Musk, was unimpressed by the state-sponsored, systematic gang-rape, torture and murder of little girls (sorry, ‘White slags’), and has given it a damning review, even demanding his money back. All of a sudden, a chorus line of patrons have been embarrassed into asking for a refund too - including many of the touts flogging the tickets in the first place.
Britain’s politicians had a nice little thing going, selling out the nation’s children in exchange for votes until Musk stuck his oar in. Bloody free speech! If it weren’t for X, the platform left-wing MPs love to decry and virtue-signal on in equal measure, the rest of the world might never have discovered the truth. Now, MPs are frantically cleansing their timelines and pretending to care about the crimes they ignored for 30 years. Yet for all their bluster, there is no finer way to gauge the integrity of our leading men and ladies than when they were forced to choose between their petty careers & egos and the violation of the innocent. Alas, the curtain has been lifted, and we are witness to the full horror going on behind the scenes.
Still, you’ve got to hand it to them - the ensemble cast is impressive. The social services who covered up this sickening child abuse, and preferred to investigate the whistleblowers. The Old Bill who turned a blind eye, facilitated the rapes, called the children ‘Paki-shaggers’, gave ‘no arrest’ deals to the ringleaders, and even now are threatening victims to delete social media posts. The judiciary that routinely lets the rapists off, because they didn’t realise girls could be underage, and jail might ‘do more damage than good’.
Labour MPs like Jess Phillips, who compare mass sexual assault to a ‘normal night out in Birmingham City Centre’, and bemoan the need to beef up their security post Musk’s intervention (what a shame those little girls didn’t have access to that on the taxpayer, eh Jess?). MPs like Wes Streeting, who claim ipse dixit that people of Pakistani heritage are ‘equally sickened by these crimes’, and that ‘grooming gang rhetoric risks inciting mass violence’(nothing whatsoever to do with Streeting’s 500-vote majority, and the likelihood of losing his seat to a Pakistani Muslim). MPs like Sarah Champion; brave enough to get sacked for saying ‘Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping white girls’, but not quite brave enough to stomach Rupert Lowe’s ‘disgusting’ language on the subject.
Then there’s the real villains: heinous individuals like Keir Starmer, whose egregious failures at the CPS, rumoured complicity in Southport, and point-blank refusal to hold a public inquiry ought to see him jailed. Inquiries after all, are for serious matters like cake and Oasis tickets, but ought not to be wasted on the ‘far-right’ refusal to enrol your daughters in the latest ‘diversity’ drive. Shameless Tories, who talk tough on the eve of elections or when relieved of office, but failed to scratch the surface of the problem in the 14 years they were in power. And Nigel Farage, who for all his virtues cannot see (or more likely refuses to admit) the true threat posed by Islam; preferring to throw Tommy Robinson and ‘that lot’ under the bus.
Indeed, the white working-class (upon whom all these crimes are visited) are unforgivable; those who dare prioritise their daughters’ safety over the right of the well-heeled not to have their utopian fantasies challenged. By all means tell me how ‘awful’ you think Tommy Robinson is, but is he worse than having cigarettes stubbed out on you, having your tongue stapled to the table, being ‘prepared’ for anal rape, or set on fire?
If you’re a denizen of Westminster, the only logical conclusion is ‘yes’. For the majority of our elected politicians, Robinson is the bête noire in triplicate: white, working-class, and wild - i.e. unwilling to be programmed. If only he spoke with a cut-glass accent and had been to the right university, he’d be welcomed in with open arms. Well might Farage waffle on erroneously about Robinson’s criminal record, but you can bet your last pint that if Stephen Fry (whose criminal record is well-documented) stumped up his 25 nicker to join Reform UK, he’d be ushered into the latest Reform rally before the ink was dry on his membership card.
The hypocrisy and double standards required to sustain the Muslim rape of Britain has been breath-taking. The left-wing media screech every day of the week that rape prosecutions are falling, but when it comes to Muslim grooming gangs, they suddenly lose interest. Race-baiters extraordinaire like Hamza Yousaf don’t mind a bit of racism when they discover that Scotland is majority white, but suddenly get exercised when it’s Musk ‘inflaming racial tensions’ (i.e. quoting statistics in the public domain).
Here’s the simple point: if we were talking about gangs of white men hanging around outside mosques because they believed the Muslim girls were ‘easy meat’, Keir Starmer would have knelt for them, Jess Phillips would have gone on hunger strike, and Justin Welby might even have called the abuse out.
But the rape gangs aren’t composed of white men, so of course the Labour government has absolutely no intention of holding a public inquiry into them – the inquiry three quarters of Britons want to see undertaken. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. Labour are complicit in these scandals, as the Casey Review revealed - Labour politicians were involved in the cover-up in Rotherham. These abhorrent crimes took place within their constituencies; they occurred on Labour’s watch; speaking out will cost votes - votes their wafer-thin majorities can ill-afford; it’ll mean jail for many among the great and the good; it’ll drive the final nail into the multicultural coffin. And worst of all, the little white girls so despicably offered up as sacrifice do not even have the grace to be commercially viable as victims.
Here’s where I’m going to shock you - we the people don’t want a public inquiry either. We’ve been here before, don’t forget. The Jay Report took seven years and just shy of £187 million to tell us absolutely nothing. It was a cover-up of cover-ups - a whitewash so sanitised even Dulux couldn’t market it. It followed in the footsteps of similar reports from Rochdale (2013), Rotherham (2014), Telford (2022), and Oldham (2022) - all of which preached apologies and avowed that ‘lessons must be learned.’ In 2022, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) finished with a list of 20 recommendations. Want to bet how many of those have been implemented? That’s right, not a single fucking one.
Why would we allow the same connivers, yet again, to mark their own homework? Why would we allow ourselves to be fobbed off with the same feeble excuses: ‘It’s not in the public interest’, ‘It will inflame race relations’, ’We didn’t think to investigate grooming gangs per se’, ‘We are unable to identify local patterns and trends of child sexual exploitation in respect of ethnicity’, because data is not available, because the police refuse to record data in high density Muslim areas. Why allow the authorities to kick the can down the road for the best part of another decade - time we simply don’t have?
The ultimate problem with the demands for a public inquiry is that it presumes (several decades on) that we do not know what we know - but we do. Even with the coverups, the complicity, the negligence, the routine failure of police to intervene or record data, the charade of not understanding the notion of ‘per capita’ - nevertheless, we know. It is an utter lie that the authorities do not have access to sufficient data. Even within the public domain, I ask you what more illuminating evidence do you need?
Here’s a very short précis of what we know, despite the cover-ups:
Child molesters are given tougher sentences when the victims are ‘Asian’, because the judiciary believes they suffer more than those who are white.
Migrants are three times as likely to be arrested for sex offences than British citizens.
Pakistanis are up to four times more likely to be behind grooming.
Grooming gangs are still raping children 'in every city around the country’.
Grooming gangs commit two sex offences a day.
If they are prosecuted at all, grooming gang members are being routinely given early release.
A recent study of prosecutions discovered that Pakistani men dominate grooming gang statistics. For Muslims the conviction rate is 1:2,200, for Pakistanis 1:1,700, in Rochdale 1:280, in Telford 1:126, in Rotherham 1:73. Remember, that is just the number of prosecutions!
Most significantly, the Home Office refuses to publish the data on groomer deportations.
Here are the simple facts for the uninitiated:
We know Muslim rape gangs are operating across Britain, its only a question of scale - and the systematic targeting of Britain’s daughters upon any scale is unacceptable.
Those in authority not only cannot be trusted to analyse, handle, or report on the problem - but are colluding in plain sight with the enemy; again, its not a question of if, but merely a question of scale.
This is our one and only chance to save Britain from the enemies within, before demography decides our fate for us.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this scourge upon society: stop importing savages who want to kill us; stop giving them preferential treatment; and above all, enforce the fucking law! The magical formula of equality before the law, is that you do not have to worry about luxuries like ‘religious sensitivity’, ‘social cohesion’, or ‘political correctness’ - the wrong’uns obviate the need for you by the nature of their criminality. Simply arrest, charge, incarcerate (and where necessary, deport) anyone responsible for so heinous a crime. In addition, jail sentences must be handed to every single official complicit in this most wicked of crimes - no ifs, no buts. Were there the slightest honour remaining at Westminster, this would be enacted immediately. Seeing as that is unlikely to be the case, Britain needs new management.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
Nigel, it’s now or never.
Frank Haviland is the Editor of The New Conservative, and the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West.
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Well researched Frank and a brilliant analysis. I can’t say I enjoyed reading some of the atrocities these scum inflicted on pre-teenage white girls, in fact I’m going to try to get that image out of my memory. My God. What have we done letting these savages into our country? Why are they given carte blanch to attack our children with impunity? Why do we pay them benefits intended for the needy in our society while asking them to make zero positive contributions to our economy? What is fucking wrong with us? We don’t have long to sort this out and send Starmer and his villainous cohorts to jail themselves.
You are right, of course. Our politicians despise the native majority. This is never going to change without a revolution. But who will lead it? Farage appears to have lost his balls, so the political route looks like a dead end. Everything, and everyone with power and influence, is stacked against us. The brave few prepared to speak out get slung in jail. The ones that do have a public profile mostly speak very circumspectly.
I have come to the conclusion that only a violent insurrection can remove the cancer from our midst. Violence? All "right-thinking" people recoil in horror at the idea. We are civilised, after all. So in the name of civilisation we are going to allow alien cultures to dominate our streets, airwaves and institutions? And we are to do nothing as we and our culture are gradually erased?
It seems to me that only people like TR - people with guts - can save us. We need a few thousand more like him to say it as it is and defy the Establishment. And, yes, ultimately, use violence to bring back sense, honesty, civilised standards to political life and the work place.
PS I am far too old for any such activity myself. But I would support such people in other ways. I guess by saying such things I have made myself a marked man - a person "of interest to the authorities". I should have a pen name but I never find how to set such things up!