Well researched Frank and a brilliant analysis. I can’t say I enjoyed reading some of the atrocities these scum inflicted on pre-teenage white girls, in fact I’m going to try to get that image out of my memory. My God. What have we done letting these savages into our country? Why are they given carte blanch to attack our children with impunity? Why do we pay them benefits intended for the needy in our society while asking them to make zero positive contributions to our economy? What is fucking wrong with us? We don’t have long to sort this out and send Starmer and his villainous cohorts to jail themselves.

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You are right, of course. Our politicians despise the native majority. This is never going to change without a revolution. But who will lead it? Farage appears to have lost his balls, so the political route looks like a dead end. Everything, and everyone with power and influence, is stacked against us. The brave few prepared to speak out get slung in jail. The ones that do have a public profile mostly speak very circumspectly.

I have come to the conclusion that only a violent insurrection can remove the cancer from our midst. Violence? All "right-thinking" people recoil in horror at the idea. We are civilised, after all. So in the name of civilisation we are going to allow alien cultures to dominate our streets, airwaves and institutions? And we are to do nothing as we and our culture are gradually erased?

It seems to me that only people like TR - people with guts - can save us. We need a few thousand more like him to say it as it is and defy the Establishment. And, yes, ultimately, use violence to bring back sense, honesty, civilised standards to political life and the work place.

PS I am far too old for any such activity myself. But I would support such people in other ways. I guess by saying such things I have made myself a marked man - a person "of interest to the authorities". I should have a pen name but I never find how to set such things up!

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Is a military coup out of the question or is the British Army too small?

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Too woke, I think!

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Spot on Frank

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Shockingly accurate horificly true

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Actually Frank, all those men "of Pakistani heritage" should simply be deported back to the land of their fathers, along with all their wives and children. No ifs, no buts, just deport them. Don't care if they were born here (my husband was born in Peru - not Peruvian, never assimilated, totally English). If they haven't assimilated after decades of living here they really aren't going to assimilate are they? So repatriate them. Deport them. Call it what you want. All those blokes in foreign garb standing behind police chiefs checking they don't say anything against Islam? Deport them. All those women walking around in burqas to protect their modesty? Deport them.

Not sure Nigel Farage is the man for the job though - he's quite part of the establishment isn't he?

To be honest, I don't think there is anyone in the western world with the cojones to do what needs to be done to restore our countries. Maybe, as we get poorer and poorer thanks to Milliband and Rachel, they will all leave of their own accord to somewhere still able to pay them for raping us.

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Sensational report, fantastically written with justified anger - and justified use of the 'f' word. Yes this IS the last chance or 'they' will know we're weak and ripe for the taking. Every white Lefty liberal should be forced to read this. The idiots welcoming 'refugees' from safe France need to be forced to make space in THEIR homes and THEIR neighbourhoods.

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Bring back the death penalty for these grooming gangs and the politicians who have turned a blind eye to this.There are several benefits Point1, a piece of rope is much cheaper than a jail sentence or the fee for deportation.Point2 they cannot escape and repeat the offence there is no return from death.I sincerely hope that this will lead to the death of Starmer I would give his assassin a Knighthood which he would deserve far moe than the arsehole Khan.

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Violence on us requires violence in return. But say that in public and the agents of the state will have you locked up in no time.

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Terrific piece. It really is time but can Farage really step up?

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Excellent work there frank, some of those details are just horrific but well done hitting home with them, this stuff needs to be made public. Well done, and thank you 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Brilliant article. Should be required reading of our ‘betters’ in Westminster. What do we (white, indigenous Britons) do about all this now? That is the question.

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