All that you say is true Frank. And it’s not good news for the white indigenous population. However, I’m taking some crumbs of comfort that we are at last talking openly about the problems with uncontrolled immigration. The Tories were destroyed at the last GE through Boris Johnson’s immigration duplicity so it’s more than hushed chats among semi-embarrassed friends afraid of being called racists now. Reform are still largely a one policy party and are neck and neck with Labour and the Tories in the polls. The MSM are actually reporting incidents now. They aren’t saying the full truth but we can only guess how much pressure they’re under from Two Tier Kier - we even have a nickname for our useless PM based on how he treats immigrants versus us. So we’re talking about it openly at last. It’s late to be doing this but it’s not too late (I hope).

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I am appalled at this apparent ‘replacement policy’! It’s expanding before our eyes. It has been planned over decades; if you delve deep you’ll find within what we’ve been told as conspiracy theories are actually factual! The likes of Rockerfeller, Club of Rome, and many connected nefarious groups all cited mass immigration and replacement of predominantly white western nations as a means of breaking the West! Institutions, governments, education, media etc al, have been subverted over decades to enable this to happen. Be aware, very aware!

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Jan 24Edited

And have you noticed how when there are ad campaigns for things where the black community are overrepresented in real life, i.e. HIV testing, knife crime and adverts discouraging fare-dodging, suddenly there are no black actors to be found.

It’s so insidious and insulting to indigenous English people, and I trust those behind such advertising know exactly what they are doing.

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Do the people pushing these suicidal policies have any idea of the consequences of turning the UK into South Africa? Everything that white people created here (in SA) is being destroyed. Johannesburg, our most populous city, has run out of water, the consequence of chronic neglect of infrastructure maintenance. Black Africans are demonstrably incapable of running complex systems, particularly the calibre of black African that has been in charge here since the catastrophic Zuma years. North Africans are not much better, and why is South Asian society somehow a good model for the UK? Where are the midwits who think turning Britain brown is a good idea going to go to when, as in South Africa today, they are actively discriminated against in all areas of society, and openly threatened with genocide?

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Was that a nurse in the picture? Source? Place? Name of perpetrator? It is time to compile lists of the enemy within. Why? Because civil war does not fall neatly between two opposing geographical areas. The enemy will be everywhere and its best to know thy enemy. And yes - I do believe we will face a choice between subservience to another culture or civil war. I will probably not be around when it starts due to age, but if I were a bit younger I would be joining a shooting club and getting to understand something about guns. That is a terrible reflection on where politicians of the past 20 years have brought us.

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