Jun 9Liked by Frank Haviland

Sorry about the double shot don't know what happened.

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Jun 9Liked by Frank Haviland

Totally agreed Frank as to the reasons why it can only be surmised that some organisation maybe the WEF has paid him to destroy the conservative party which he has been doing since he got the keys to no10 or so it appears to me no politician is capable of such a gaffe as this dickhead carried out.

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Thing is, old Sunak is a first generation Brit isn't he? I know his family come from India but did any of them fight in the War? Does he have a personal connection to it? I doubt it - it was a White Man's War fought by Europeans and former Europeans and the Indians who did fight alongside us got short shrift after Independence. So culturally it doesn't really mean much other than being history. What he has done is show that he's not really bothered about British identity and history and not just because he's a multi millionaire member of the global elite but because he doesn't really identify as being British.

Serves us right really - a country still trying to kid itself it should be parading around on the world stage when it's population can't even be bothered to find politicans who actually reflect them. Not really a great nation anymore

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